Lars Ling, CEO a​nd Founder

Hello, my name is Lars, and I am the CEO and founder of the CleanTech Region Impact Group.

Lars Ling, CEO & Founder CleanTech Region Impact Group
Lars Ling

I value my 35+ years of experience in sales, marketing, people skills, and management, and I prioritize personal growth daily.

I have experience in CleanTech, IT, sports, fitness, and sustainability. I’m also a professional speaker and talk about the environment, climate, tech, leadership, education, and financing.

I have a background in sports and fitness, which led me to start a successful company in that industry. Later, I gained over ten years of experience in sales, marketing, and management in the IT industry on a global level.

Since 2006, I’ve been focused on unlocking potential and working with others to create a just, fair, and sustainable world. I support leaders, companies, and ecosystems with financing, guidance, and business facilitation with world-class connections.

I am a person who is driven by positivity, hope, and a desire to make decisions. My vision, mission, and passion focus on solving global climate challenges and achieving sustainability goals by 2030.

Here are some reviews from customers, partners, and organizations about Lars and CleanTech Region Impact Group:

“Lars is an expert in Clean Energy Technology and will be attending the World Zero Emissions Conference in Hawaii as a speaker.”

“He is a Rock Star of CleanTech in Northern Europe.”

How can my international CleanTech Region team and I be of assistance to you?

Connect by filling in the form below or sending an email to lars.ling@cleantechregion

With gratitude Lars Ling


Lars Ling

BIO and more info Lars Ling

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